Rachel Davis’s Imagine course

My 3 biggest take aways.

Abstract painting is as much about what is happening in your head as putting paint on canvas. So when Rachel announced she was starting a course, I was first in line, literally, lol. Rachel is a clinical psychologist with experience coaching artists and an amazing artist herself and a lovely person. Who better to learn from.

My 3 biggest take aways.

1) The simple idea of leaving the studio when the work is going well. It seems counterintuitive but it’s so powerful. When it’s going well I can feel it in my bones. If I keep going, the feeling is fleeting. If I stop, the feeling stays with me. When I return fresh and rested, it is much easier to pick up that feeling and get going in a good direction.

2) The value of meditation for training my brain to notice, in particular the 10% Happier app. I almost can’t believe I wrote those words. Me? Meditate?

3) Using the ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) Matrix, I clarified what it is I want in my art, what’s stopping me, and how I can move forward.

All of this sharpens my ability to notice. This was the first iteration of the course, it will be interesting to see where Rachel takes this. You can find Rachel at www.racheldavisstudio.com and on instagram @racheldavisart.bayarea


That is so cool!


Discovering Tata